About the EMT Textbook
The primary textbook for the EMT Boot Camp is: Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured Digital Advantage Package, Twelfth Edition. Published by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), this textbook provides the fundamental knowledge of the emergency medical services (EMS) system, safety and well-being of the emergency medical technician (EMT), medical and legal, and ethical issues to the provision of emergency care. Each chapter covers National EMS Education Standard Competencies.
Chapters Covered on Day 2 Include:
- Chapter 6: The Human Body
- Chapter 8: Lifting and Moving Patients
- Chapter 9: Team Approach
- Chapter 14: BLS
EMT Textbook Chapter 6—The Human Body: Summary
Chapter six covers the fundamentals of human anatomy and the function of all human systems as they apply to the practice of EMS. It teaches students to identify the anatomy and physiology of all human systems, including skeletal, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, digestive, lymphatic, and more.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to describe the body planes, topographic anatomy, and anatomic position and apply them to EMS treatments. You will know basic anatomic structures and related functions. You will also be able to describe each body system as well as the roles of the structures and their interaction with other body systems in maintaining the life support chain. You will also understand the possible consequences of illness and injury of these systems on the proper functioning of the body.
EMT Textbook Chapter 8—Lifting and Moving Patients: Summary
Chapter eight covers the procedures, equipment, and general considerations required of EMTs during patient packaging and handling. This chapter discusses tools and techniques for patient lifting and moving to help prevent harm or injury to the patient and the EMS professional. Among other situations you will face as an EMT, you will learn about special considerations for moving patients who are elderly, overweight, unresponsive, or carrying a transmittable disease.
After completing this chapter, you will understand the body mechanics of patient movement, principles of safe reaching and pulling, urgent and nonurgent moves, and how to move patients as a team. You will also learn the various types of patient packaging and moving equipment, how to protect yourself from injury when moving patients, and the use of medical restraints.
EMT Textbook Chapter 9—Team Approach: Summary
Chapter 9 covers the characteristics of a team approach to health care and the direct effect of this approach on positive patient outcomes.
Among other topics, Chapter 9 covers:
- Advantages of a team over a group
- Essential elements of a team
- Critical elements to ensure effective patient transfer
- Patient care report (PCR)
- Assisting with advanced life support (ALS)
- Intubation procedure
- Troubleshooting interpersonal conflicts
After completing this chapter and the related coursework, you will be able to function as an effective team member of the emergency health care team that includes not only first responders, paramedics, and other EMTs, but also physicians, nurses, and other personnel who will help care for your patients through their injury or illness. You will learn your roles and responsibilities as an EMT, and understand the roles and responsibilities of other team members.
EMT Textbook Chapter 14—BLS: Summary
Chapter 14 provides an examination of how BLS and ALS providers work together for a more effective continuum of care. You will learn your roles and responsibilities as an EMT, and understand the roles and responsibilities of other team members.
Day 2: Summary
After successfully completing Day 2 of the EMT Boot Camp, you will have a broad knowledge of and be well-versed in human anatomy and the function of all human systems as they apply to the practice of EMS. You will also understand the value of the team approach, have insight and practice in the tools and techniques for lifting and moving patients, and understand the career outlook for EMTs.
Day 2 will require 12 hours of accelerated coursework. You will be expected to understand and retain a lot of information in a relatively short time. The Unitek 14-day EMT Boot Camp is not easy, but it is worth it! Our dedicated graduates are among the best-trained and most effective EMTs in the world today. Click here to learn more about our two-week EMT Boot Camp.
(Click here to explore our full 14-day EMT Curriculum)

About Unitek EMT
Unitek EMT is one of the premier EMT schools in Arizona. Our mission is simple: training the next wave of top-notch EMT professionals. We offer a variety of training options to fit your needs, including an accelerated EMT program to get you mission-ready and certified fast. We also offer EMS Continuing Education courses to update your expertise and enhance your career. Unitek EMT instructors are experienced leaders in their fields, and our real-world training scenarios are ideal for aspiring EMT professionals.