About the EMT Textbook
The textbook used throughout the EMT Boot Camp is: Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured Digital Advantage Package, Twelfth Edition. Published by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), this textbook provides the fundamental knowledge of the emergency medical services (EMS) system, safety and well-being of the emergency medical technician (EMT), and medical, legal, and ethical issues relevant to emergency care. Each chapter covers National EMS Education Standard Competencies.
Chapters Covered on Day 8 Include:
- Chapter 25: Trauma
- Chapter 26: Bleeding
- Chapter 27: Soft tissue
- Chapter 28: Face and Neck
- Chapter 29: Head and Spine
EMT Textbook Chapter 25—Trauma Overview: Summary
Chapter 25 applies the fundamental knowledge needed to provide basic emergency care and transportation based on the assessment findings for an acutely injured trauma patient. Students will also learn some common injury patterns in major body systems.
The curriculum provides an overview of the causes, effects, assessment, and management of the trauma patient. Some of the topics discussed in this chapter include:
- Mechanisms of injury (MOI) for blunt and penetrating trauma
- Examples of MOI that cause blunt and penetrating trauma
- Injury patterns associated with different types of motor vehicle crashes
- Factors for assessment of a fall victim
- The effects of penetrating trauma, blast injuries, multisystem trauma
- Patient management in relation to scene time and transport selection
After completing Chapter 25 and related coursework, you understand the basic concepts of energy and its effect on the human body. You’ll gain a knowledge of the general injury patterns associated with different types of impacts, falls, and penetrating trauma, and the basic application of physics on the assessment of trauma patients. You will also develop critical thinking skills in making predictions of injuries and adjusting the index of suspicion based on the analysis of evidence gathered in scene size-up simulations.
EMT Textbook Chapter 26—Bleeding: Summary
Chapter 26 focuses on the cause, effects, and assessment of bleeding and the basic emergency care and transportation of bleeding patients. Among other topics, this chapter covers:
- The circulatory system and its function, including the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries
- The significance of bleeding caused by blunt force trauma, including the importance of perfusion
- Hypovolemic shock as a result of bleeding
- The signs and symptoms of internal bleeding
- Emergency medical care of patients with internal and external bleeding
After completing this chapter and its coursework, you will understand the structure and function of the circulatory system and the significance and characteristics of bleeding. You will also know the importance of personal protective equipment when treating a bleeding patient, external and internal bleeding characteristics, how to conduct a patient assessment, and methodologies for controlling bleeding.
EMT Textbook Chapter 27—Soft-Tissue Injuries: Summary
Chapter 27 provides the knowledge needed to provide basic emergency care and transportation for patients with soft-tissue injuries. This includes an in-depth discussion of open and closed soft-tissue injuries, the use of dressings and bandages, and the assessment and care of different types of burns, including thermal, chemical, electrical, and radiation burns.
After completing this chapter, students will have the knowledge and skills to successfully assess patients and provide prehospital care to patients suffering from soft-tissue injuries. You will also become familiar with the anatomy and functions of the skin, and the various types of open and closed soft-tissue injuries. In addition to burns and wounds, this chapter also covers emergency medical care for an impaled object, neck injuries, animal bites, and others.
EMT Textbook Chapter 28—Face and Neck Injuries: Summary
Chapter 28 provides students with the knowledge and skills for the basic prehospital care and transportation of patients with face and neck injuries. Students will learn how to recognize life threats associated with these injuries and the correlation with head and spinal trauma. Among other related topics, the curriculum covers:
- Detailed anatomy and physiology of the head, neck, and eye
- Trauma to the mouth
- Penetrating neck trauma
- Laryngotracheal injuries
- Facial fractures
- Dental injuries
- Blast injuries to the eye
After completing this chapter coursework, you will understand how to manage trauma-related issues with the face and neck. This includes injuries and life threats to the head, skull, spine, teeth, ears, and eyes. Among other procedures, you will be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of face and neck injuries, assess the patient’s condition, and provide appropriate emergency care and transportation. Finally, you will also learn how to manage common eye injuries such as foreign objects, puncture wounds, lacerated eyelids, burns, impaled objects, and complications from blunt trauma.
EMT Textbook Chapter 29—Head and Spine Injuries: Summary
Chapter 29 focuses on the cause, effects, and assessment of head and spine injuries. Students will learn how to recognize life threats associated with these injuries and the correlation with head and spinal trauma. This chapter emphasizes on the skills needed for emergency treatment. Among other related topics, the curriculum covers:
- The need for immediate spinal stabilization and airway and breathing support
- The cause, effects, and management of traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI), including mechanism of injury (MOI), and primary versus secondary injury
- Transport considerations
- Bandaging
- Traumatic airway control
- Manual in-line stabilization
- Placement of cervical collar
- Immobilization of the patient
After completing Chapter 29 and its coursework, you will understand how to provide emergency treatment for trauma-related issues of the head and spine. You will learn how to recognize life threats associated with these injuries and the need for immediate spinal stabilization and, potentially, airway and breathing support. The curriculum includes a detailed discussion of the nervous system and the cause, effects, and management of traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. This chapter is skills intensive and goes into detail on bandaging, traumatic airway control, manual in-line stabilization, cervical collar placement, and more.
Day 8: Summary
After successfully completing Day 8 of the EMT Boot Camp, you will possess the knowledge and skills needed to provide basic prehospital care and transportation for patients with face, neck, head, and spine injuries. This includes injuries to the:
- Brain
- Eyes
- Ears
- Nose
- Mouth and teeth
- Larynx and trachea
- Skull
You will be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of the various injuries, understand their potential mechanism of injury (MOI), and provide appropriate care, which may include controlling bleeding, removing a foreign object, airway control, manual in-line stabilization, and patient immobilization.
Day 8 requires 12 hours of participation from start to finish, including two half-hour breaks for lunch and dinner. The coursework and training are accelerated, which means you will be expected to process and retain a lot of information in a relatively short amount of time.
The Unitek 14-day EMT Boot Camp is not easy, but it is worth it! Our dedicated graduates are among the best-trained and most effective EMTs in the world today. Click here to learn more about our two-week EMT Boot Camp.
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About Unitek EMT
Unitek EMT is one of the premier EMT schools in Arizona. Our mission is simple: training the next wave of top-notch EMT professionals. We offer a variety of training options to fit your needs, including an accelerated EMT program to get you mission-ready and certified fast. We also offer EMS Continuing Education courses to update your expertise and enhance your career. Unitek EMT instructors are experienced leaders in their fields, and our real-world training scenarios are ideal for aspiring EMT professionals.